Agricultural Engineering, Volume 48 (2016)


Imants Ziemelis, Ilze Pelece, Algirdas Jasinskas, Henriks Putans
Ulbroka Research Centre, Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Engineering, Latvia University of Agriculture; Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Aleksandras Stulginskis University; Ulbroka Research Centre, Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Engineering, Latvia University of Agriculture


It is possible to use the solar radiation energy for air and water heating not only in southern countries, where the intensity of solar radiation is high, but also at higher latitudes with lower intensity of solar radiation but longer sunny days in summer. Therefore considering these peculiarities we have to develop the constructions of solar collectors more appropriate for the Baltic States meteorological constructions. The paper discusses procedures of the design, manufacturing and experimental investigation of two solar energy collectors for outdoor air and water heating, where as the source of heat is used the energy of solar radiation. One of the collectors has a tube type solar energy absorber but another cylindrical type absorber. In order to heighten the efficiency of the collectors, there a parabolic solar energy concentrator is used. Both the collectors can be placed in the focus of a solar energy concentrator, where the radiation intensity is higher, or work without of the concentrator. Both variants were experimentally investigated.

Keyword(s): solar collectors, parabolic radiation concentrator, outdoor air heating


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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