Agricultural Engineering, Number 51 (2019)


Y.I. Osenin, O.V. Malakhov, V.V. Malakhova, A.V. Chesnokov
Berdyansk Management and Business University; University of Technology, Korolev


The article presents the results of an experimental study of the influence of external vibration disturbances on the working elements of the friction unit, which simulate the power circuit of the disc brake: brake pad and brake disc. The studies were carried out on the original friction machine reproducing the interaction conditions of the disc brake elements on a scale of 1:100. Vibration impact on the working elements of the friction unit was carried out by means of a drive, which allowed to implement a sequence of power pulses in the frequency range 5–100 Hz. It is shown that due to the vibration disturbances of the working elements it is possible to influence the friction characteristics within 20–25%.

Keyword(s): disc brake, friction machine, vibration perturbation


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Patent of Ukraine for utility model No. 9537, MPK B 60T 7/00. The method of controlling the brake of a railway vehicle / Y.I. Osenin, Y.Y. Ladik; publ. 17.10.2005, bul. No. 10.

Patent of Ukraine for utility model No. 59156, MPK G 01N 3/56. Friction machine / O.L. Golubenko, O.V. Sergienko, Y.I. Osenin, O.V. Malakhov, Y.Y. Ladik; publ. 10.05.2011, bul. No. 9.

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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. Responsible editor: Dr A. Žunda.