Agricultural Engineering, Volume 45, Number 2


Mikchail Laziuta, Bajan Kabulova, Chalit Gasanov
Kazakh National Agrarian University


The  essence  of  work  of  the  soil  ripping  machine  ЩР-4-5  is  that  the  soil  is worked  with  the  poles,  which  are  located  in  the  distance  of  0,5  meter  from  each other in alternate order. In this way horizontal ruptures and displacements of soil in vertical and horizontal direction ensures ripping of slotted space.

During  the  dry  years,  like  during  the  summers  of  2007  and  2008  in  the  re-gion  of Turgaisk,  working  of  fields in the depth  of  more than  25  centimeters  was 102 impossible neither with more commonly used aggregate ПГ-3-5, nor slotted ripper ЩР-4-5.Tractor К-701 could not unitize because it’s wheels stalled on the dry soil when the operative parts were in the depth of more than 25 centimeters because in the whole depth of work the soil was resisting to operative parts (although ЩР-4-5 had 9 operative parts of the factory assembly). This is the reason of waste of fuels and  lubricants,  early  deterioration  and  breakdown  of  tractor  and  operative  parts, low productivity of the aggregate, insufficient depth of work, what is influential to development of assemblage of rootlets and, of course, to the crop-producing power, moreover, generation of big clods. 

Changes made to the construction of the slotted ripper ЩР-4-5 would help to eliminate this bug, reduce the resistance of the soil while it is unitized by the trac-tor, and improve economic factors. Moreover, the productivity of the aggregate and the quality of the work would increase.

Keyword(s): The slotted rip, a-hoe blades, spring-loaded poles, the pulling force of the tractor, the resistance of the soil.

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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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