Agricultural Engineering, Volume 45, Number 2


Andrey Nesmiyan, Aleksandr Yakovets, Vladimir. Shumakov
Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy


They make special demands to the planting of the tilled crops. Unlike grain crops  the  tilled  crops  are  sowed  in  a  line  with  the  certain  step,  which  permits  to provide the rational placing of the plants on the feeding areas. Due to this the nec-essary  conditions  are  made  for  their  further  growth  and  getting  of  big  crops.  For planting of the tilled crops all over the world they apply pneumatic precision drills with vacuum seed-sowing mechanisms and the quality of realization of the opera-tion depends on their work much. 

The process of work of the vacuum seed-sowing mechanism can be divided on basic stage, the process of catching a single seed and carrying it out of the layer of the others with the drawing hole is the most responsible among them. The anal-yses of the work which has been done let conclude that the influence of the agitator on  the  layer  of  the  seeds  in  the  zone  of  their  catching  with  the  drawing  holes  in-creases the efficiency of this process. 

With an aim of the activation of the working process of the central agitator the authors offer to make its blades in such a way that their working sides would be turned in the direction of rotation of the agitator and the plane of the feed disk. All this  let  use  the  agitator  not  only  for  activation  of  the  layer  of  seeds  but  for  their push to the drawing holes of the feed disk.

The proof of the offered construction is presented in the article, the results of the comparative experimental researches of the serial and the modernized vacuum seed-sowing mechanisms and the analyses of obtained data are shown, conclusions have been formulated.

Keyword(s): Precision drill; vacuum seed-sowing mechanism; modernization; agitator; dozing element; raising of quality of dozing of the seeds; experimental research.

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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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