Agricultural Engineering, Volume 45, Number 3


Valerii Adamchuk, Andrej Borys Vladymyr Bulgakov, Nikolay Borys
Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


The technological incapability during the harvesting of sugar beets is established.
Separation of beet tops by copying cut with following purification from rest
possible at a speed of 1.5 m/s, while the root crop machinery operates at a speed of
1.2 ... 1.5 times higher. Established that cut without copying tops sugar beet operating
speed exceeds more 1,5 m/s, but the weight loss exceed agronomic requirements
twice through unjustified cutting height relative to the ground. Composite
differential equation of rotational motion arched copier to head sugar beet, which is
the main equation of function cleaner of head roots. The composition of the differential
equation is defined and obtained the dependence of the normal reaction due
to structural parameters cleaner heads roots. This in turn made it possible to obtain
condition not knocking heads roots and based rational values of constructural parameters
and operating modes cleaner heads roots.

Keyword(s): Keywords: root, root head, beet tops, cleaner, work element, copier, normal reaction, separator of tops


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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