Agricultural Engineering, Volume 45, Number 3


Petras Punys, Inga Adamonytė, Algis Kvaraciejus, Saulius Žilinskas
Aleksandras Stulginskis Universiti; Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Environment


Stage, discharge, flow velocity, and flow cross-section area data of the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service gauging (hydrometric) stations (GS) was used for the assessment of hydrokinetic energy resources (on the basis of the Ne-munas river case). Close correlation of water level, discharge, velocity, and cross-section relations was identified during the investigations whereas GS water flow velocity histograms were compiled according to multi annual daily discharge cur-ves and mean cross-sectional velocities as well as discharge relationship. The his-tograms are based on theoretic probability distributions and data validation tests. The best compliance is that of extreme value distribution. Hydraulic and geometric characteristics of the river flow, defined by the hydrological method, were compa-red with the results obtained by the hydraulic model (HEC-RAS). The compliance determined was valid. Transposition of the relation among flow velocity, bed cross-section area, depth of the river and the discharge over the length of the river is not possible for the assessment of hydropower resources due to the poor correla-tion of the data. Hydraulic simulation, using the digital terrain model of the river bathymetry, is the main and the most precise method to assess the resources of hydrokinetic energy and select the most efficient location for the generation of hydropower whereas field measurements bear significance only for validation of the data.

Keyword(s): Hydrokinetic energy, discharge data of hydrometric stations, morphometric, hydraulic and stream power characteristics.


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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