Agricultural Engineering, Volume 48 (2016)


Deniz Yilmaz
Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Suleyman Demirel Isparta, Turkey


Dill (Anethum graveolens l.), is a green color and vascular plant species. Although parsley plant to produce small areas our country, it has started to make production in large and larger areas in recent years. Due to the increased dill production, application of the requirements of mechanization increased. In developed countries, mechanized harvesting practices are carried out. The plant's strength are required to know the specifications for the design of a dill harvesters. This study aimed to determine the strength of dill plant specifications for mechanical harvesting.

For this purpose, properties as the maximum force, stress in the maximum force point, work at maximum force point, rupture force, deformation at rupture force, bioyield force, rupture stress of dill stalk and flower have determined the effects of four moisture contents such as 80%, 55% and 35% d.b. (Stalk1, Stalk2, Stalk3) on the properties were investigated. The highest maximum force (6.235 N) was observed at Stalk1. The maximum bioyield force of 4.988 N was observed at Stalk3. The maximum rupture force was observed at Stalk3 (p<0.05). The rupture stress values decreased at moisture level. The maximum rupture stress value (0.223 MPa) was observed at Stalk1. The maximum picking force was observed at Flower1.

Keyword(s): Dill, rupture properties, mechanical harvesting


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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