Agricultural Engineering, Volume 50 (2018)


Povilas Gurevičiu, Algirdas Janulevičius, Vidas Damanauskas
Aleksandras Stulginskis University


Tractor 4×4 moving with enabled front axle drive, in many cases there are kinematic discrepancies between the front and rear wheels theoretical speeds. Once the tractor is unloaded from pull or push forces, kinematic discrepancies makes one wheel to slip, while the other skid. Therefore, during the braking process, the kinematic discrepancy changes the wheel's adhesion to the road.

In this research, we have proven that, kinematic discrepancy reduces the braking efficiency. By comparing the braking performance of the tractor while braking, we can clearly say it the tractor braking performance varies when the different kinematic factor. However, with a small tractor speed, the total braking time and averages of deceleration are almost equal, regardless of the kinematic discrepancy.

The article presents and analyses tractor  with 4x2 and 4x4 driving wheels braking deceleration parameters, when the tractor is braking with engine with different kinematic discrepancy.

Keyword(s): Deceleration, braking, tractor, tires


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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