Agricultural Engineering, Volume 53 (2021)

KLAIPĖDOS RAJONO BRUKŠVŲ POLDERIO PYLIMŲ TECHNINĖS BŪKLĖS ANALIZĖ (Analysis of the Technical Condition of Dikes in the Burkšvai Polder in Klaipėda District)

Laimonas Jurkus, Aurelija Rudzianskaitė
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas


Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama Klaipėdos r. Brukšvų polderio pylimų techninės būklės kitimas 2019-2020 m. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti polderio pylimų techninę būklę, įvertinti pažaidas, gautus duomenis palyginti su ankstesnio vertinimo rezultatais (2008 m.). Pylimų techninės būklės vertinimas buvo atliktas skirtingais metų laikotarpiais – 2019 m. rugpjūčio ir 2020 m. gruodžio mėnesiais, siekiant kuo labiau išanalizuoti pylimų trūkumus. Pirmuoju atveju atliktas vizualus vertinimas  fotofiksacijos būdu, antruoju atveju -  naudojant papildomą įrangą GNSS imtuvą (Geomax Zeninth 16) bei ruletę. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad Brukšvų polderio 2, 3 ir 4 pylimų techninė būklė labai gera, o 1 pylimo - patenkinama. Reikalingas 1 pylimo rekonstravimas.


A polder is a low-lying area that is enclosed by dikes so that it is not completely or partially flooded by flood water, and the excess moisture formed in it is removed by mechanical or self-contained means.. The physical-geological conditions of the territory of Lithuania determined that most polders were installed in the lower Nemunas. The Nemunas lowland polders have a high potential for agricultural production. There are favorable conditions for the production of grass fodder and the development of cattle breeding. One of the most important branches of agriculture developed in the Brukšvai polder is potato seed growing. The operation of polders has long faced various problems with its hydrotechnical structures. This worsens the condition of the polder as a drainage system. In order to maintain the proper condition of polders, constant maintenance of its hydraulic structures is required. This article analyzes the change of the technical condition of the Brukšvai polder dikes in Klaipėda district in 2019-2020. The aim of the work is to determine the technical condition of the polder dikes, to assess the damages, to compare the obtained data with the results of the previous assessment (in 2008). The assessment of the technical condition of the dikes was performed in different periods of the year (in August 2019. and in December 2020 } in in order to analyze the shortcomings of the embankments as much as possible. In the first case, the visual assessment was performed by photofixing, in the second case using additional equipment GNSS receiver (Geomax Zeninth 16) and roulette. The investigation showed that the technical condition of the 2, 3 and 4 dikes of the Brukšvai polder is very good, and that of the 1 dike is satisfactory. Reconstruction of 1 dikes is required.

Keyword(s): pylimo aukštis, pylimo keteros plotis, techninė būklė. (dike height, width of dike ridge, technical condition.)

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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. Responsible editor: Dr A. Žunda.