Agricultural Engineering, Volume 54 (2022)


Serhiy Burlaka, Tetiana Yemchyk, Anatoliy Yelenych, Yuliia Okhota
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The relevance of this article is due to the need for wider distribution of alternative fuels for engines and the solution of growing environmental problems. Means and methods of reducing toxic emissions from exhaust gases of internal combustion engines are analyzed. The advantages and problems of using in the engines of alternative fuels derived from renewable raw materials, vegetable oils. The use of alternative motor fuels made from vegetable raw materials not only replaces the fuel of oil engines, but also reduces emissions of harmful substances into the exhaust gases of diesel fuel. Shows the workaround for the use of a mixture of biofuels - a mixture of petroleum diesel fuel and vegetable oil.

Research aimed at optimizing the composition of such biofuels. Consider using a mixture of petroleum diesel fuel with linseed, mustard and sage oil. A method for optimizing these mixtures based on the definition of a generalized criterion of optimality, calculated as the sum of private standards characterizing the concentrations of normalized toxic components in exhaust gases, is proposed. Optimization calculations for the composition of biofuel diesel D-245.12C. The results showed that the exhaust gas toxicity of the engine improved as the content of these oils in the blend with petroleum diesel fuel increased, but even the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil to this fuel significantly improved these parameters. The minimum of the generalized optimal criterion was reached when using a mixture containing 91% of petroleum diesel fuel and 9% of linseed oil.

Keyword(s): diesel engine, petroleum diesel fuel, linseed oil, mustard oil, safflower oil, blended biofuel.


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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