Agricultural Engineering, Volume 54 (2022)


Andrii Shtuts, Mykola Kolisnyk, Oleksandr Voznyak
Vinnitsa National Agrarian University


Important tasks in the field of improving the quality of concrete and reinforced concrete products, increasing the level and pace of industrial development put serious demands on enterprises in terms of improving technical and economic performance, as well as a clearer and more efficient system of electrical equipment and energy saving.

In this regard, the issues of efficient operation of existing equipment and improvement of its technological characteristics become especially important.

On the other hand, improving and accelerating the process of construction production, raising it to a new level is possible only with high productivity and reliability of the relevant technological lines. With the growing international requirements for the quality of production processes, there is a need to increase and stabilize it.

To do this, currently used high-performance building complexes with the required level of quality of technological operations, which must be interconnected both in terms of productivity and reliability of the element base. Based on this, the presence of a weak mechanism (parts), more often than others fails and thus reducing the reliability of the entire line, is unacceptable in such a set of operations.

As a result, measures aimed at ensuring the reliability of the elements of mechanical equipment of technological lines for the production of building materials and products are crucial in this matter.

In addition, the issue of regulating the productivity of technological processes or their individual operations becomes important at this stage of development. Such regulation can reduce electricity consumption, improve system reliability and ensure efficient operation of the electric drive with the production mechanism.

The dynamic and static modes of operation of the electric drive of the gravitational concrete mixer were investigated, the system of the electric drive of the frequency converter - asynchronous, as a basic variant for the studied object was considered. Modeling of the calculated system is performed and dynamic characteristics are constructed. The stability and quality of the system by frequency criteria are evaluated.

Keyword(s): electric drive, dynamic characteristics, gravitational concrete mixer, computer modeling, closed system.


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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