Agricultural Engineering, Volume 54 (2022)


Muhammed Lawal Attanda, Mohammed Shu’aibu Abubakar, Aliy Idris Muhammad, Aliyu Adinoyi
Bayero University


Harvesting groundnut is a serious problem in the Sudan Savannah of Northern Nigeria. The small- and medium-scale farmers harvest their groundnuts manually using traditional tools such as hoe. This practice is laborious, time-consuming, and leads to pod losses due to inefficient groundnut harvesting implement. In addition, the tractor-mounted groundnut harvesters are too expensive for these farmers to acquire. In view of the aforementioned, problems, a prototype of an animal-drawn groundnut digger was developed considering the agronomical and functional requirements for digging groundnut crops. The major components of the groundnut digger include a cutting blade, depth control wheel, frame, handles, and draft pole. A pair of bullocks pull the groundnut digger. The outcome of this research study could be used in reducing the drudgery involved during the digging of groundnut from the soil. The implement would also reduce pod losses, and boost agricultural mechanization during groundnut harvesting operations in the Sudan Savannah of Nigeria

Keyword(s): Groundnut harvester, Groundnut harvesting, Shaft design, Animal-drawn digger


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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