Agricultural Engineering, Volume 45, Number 3


Vladimir Bulgakov
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


From the mathematical models of the rotational motion of cleaning element
of the new separator tops on the head and the root of the kinematic interaction between
the working elements of a mathematical model of the dynamic interaction
between the system elements working with the head of root crop. The obtained
dependences of effort at the contact point of the work items to the head of root
crops, depending on the number of elements in the system and modes of operation
of the new trap tops. The constructed image changes depending on the total normal
reaction of the number of its elements. The values of the components of the normal
reaction were used for further analysis of the power of this interaction.

Keyword(s): Mathematical model, tops, root, root head, working element, system of workworking element, a point of contact, interaction strength


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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