Agricultural Engineering, Volume 46


Saugirdas Pukalskas, Alfredas Rimkus, Mindaugas Melaika, Zenonas Bogdanovičius, Jonas Matijošius
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


Even small amount additive (10…15% by volume from whole air amount) of hydrogen (H2) into spark ignition (SI) engines obviously effects ecological parameters and engine efficiency because of H2 exclusive properties.
SI engine work process simulation was made using AVL Boost simulation software. Analysis of results showed that engine power depends a lot on H2 supply technique into engine; NOx amount in exhaust gases directly proportional to the amount of H2, however, making mixture leaner up to λ = 1.6, it is possible to reach significant NOx decrease. Increased amount of H2 as an additive in fuel, changes H/C ratio in fuel mixture, also hydrogen improves properties of the mixture (particularly lean) and combustion of hydrocarbons what can be a reason of decreased HC emissions in exhaust gases.

Keyword(s): Hydrogen and gasoline mixture, engine efficiency, exhaust gases, nitrous oxides, hydrocarbons, simulation.


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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