Agricultural Engineering, Volume 46


Virginija Skorupskaite, Violeta Makareviciene
Aleksandras Stulginskis University


The article considers the opportunities for reduction of energy consumption in the life cycle of biodiesel obtained from microalgae oil. Results show that by introducing technical glycerol and substrate leftover after production of biogas into the microalgae growth media energy consumption can be significantly reduced. Production of biogas from de-oiled microalgae improves the energy balance of the life cycle of biodiesel obtained from microalgae oil. It is impossible to obtain fuel containing more energy than would be used in the process of production if microalgae for biodiesel production are cultivated in conventional growth media. Only by subjecting microalgal biomass for production of gaseous and liquid biofuel (biodiesel and biogas) the total energy consumption is lower and equals to 65802.03 MJt-1 than energy value of biofuel, i.e. 79083.32 MJt-1. In this case the fossil energy ratio (FER) for biodiesel reaches 1.2.

Keyword(s): Microalgae, energy consumption, biodiesel, fossil energy ratio.


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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