Agricultural Engineering, Volume 53 (2021)

MEDSUKIO DARBO PARAMETRŲ TYRIMAS (Research of Honey Extractor Work Parameters)

Eimantas Bajoras, Rolandas Domeika
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas


Straipsnyje pateikti 2020 metais atlikti universalaus medsukio darbo p                arametrų tyrimų rezultatai, sukant skirtingų rūšių medų. Rapsų, poliflorinį, liepų ir grikių medus buvo sukamas ašiniu ir tangentiniu metodais, sukant tangentiniu metodu korių padėties kampas buvo nulinis arba 23º. Sukant medų tangentiniu metodu, korių padėties kampas turi įtakos neišsukto medaus nuostoliams. Rapsų, poliflorinį ir grikių medų geriausia sukti, kai nustatytas nulinis korių padėties kampas, o liepų medų tikslingiau sukti korių padėties kampą nustačius 23º, nes tuomet gaunami patys mažiausi nuostoliai iš atliktų tyrimų. Bet kurios rūšies medų tikslingiau sukti tangentiniu būdu, nes neišsukto medaus nuostoliai mažesni, negu sukant ašiniu būdu.


One of the most important processes for honey extraction is the turning of honey. Last year, meteorological conditions were very unfavorable for beekeeping, and the number of honey that was carried decreased severely. In honey extraction, it is very important to rectify the honeycombs as efficiently as possible to gain the maximum number of honey. It is important to identify the best method for the honey rotation depending on the species of honey and the optimal regimens for the honeycomb work.

In the article, the results from the study on the parameters of universal honeycomb work, which was accomplished in 2020, when canola, mixed, lime-blossom, and buckwheat honey are rotating, are presented. Relative humidity was identified for each species of honey. The study was carried out by rotating honey by using three different methods: axial; tangential at zero honeycomb angle; tangential at an angle of 23 ° in the position of honeycombs. In the beginning, all honeycombs are attacked, weighed, and put in the honeycomb. It was rotated 12 honeycombs by using each method. Other researchers identified that in the beginning, it is necessary to rotate the honey at a lower speed, and at every particular time interval, the speed should be increased. Concerning the technical characteristics of the universal honeycomb, the initial speed of the honeycomb twists during the study was minimal 273  min-1, the time interval was chosen to increase the frequency every 2 min, and the honeycomb was twisted at even 7 different rotation speeds increasing every 273 min-1: 546, 819, 1092, 1365, 1638, 1911, 2184 min-1. Twisting at each speed, the number of honey rectified and its moisture was identified by weighing. When it was twirling by using the tangential method, the honeycombs were put together at a zero angle of their position and otherwise at 23 °, i. e. according to the technical characteristics at the maximum possible angle of the honeycomb position. The loss of unrectified honey was measured after the end of honey twirling, and the honeycombs were taken out and weighed. The losses were calculated by determining the difference between the weight of the honeycombs before starting to twirl them and the weight of the honeycombs at the end of the honey twirling.

In the experimental studies, it was found that the relative humidity in the different species of honey was different. The relative humidity of lime-blossom honey was the lowest and amounted to 15.5%, canola honey - 18.2%, mixed - 16.1%, and buckwheat - 19%. When twirling honey by using the axial method, the lowest loss of unrectified mixed honey was 7.9 ± 3.4%, the highest loss of unrectified honey was buckwheat honey, it amounted to 12.4 ± 1.8%, and the loss of canola honey was 9.5 ± 1.7%, lime-blossom honey 8.6 ± 1.8%. When the honey was rotated tangentially, and the angle of honeycomb position was 00, the loss of unrectified honey was lower for all species of honey compared to the axial method for rotation: canola honey 5.2 ± 2.1%, mixed honey 3.9 ± 0.7%, lime-blossom honey 3.0 ± 0.6%, buckwheat honey 4.3 ± 0.7%. When rotating by tangential method and fixing the honeycomb angle of 23º, the loss of unrectified canola honey even reduced than rotating the honey at the honeycomb position angle of 00 and amounted to 4.6 ± 2.0%, while for other species of honey it was higher and for the mixed honey, it was 6.4 ± 3.2%, lime-blossom honey - 4.9 ± 0.6%, buckwheat honey - 4.5 ± 1.0%.

In the studies, it was found that when rotating the canola, mixed, lime-blossom, or buckwheat honey by the axial method, depending on the species of honey, the loss of unrectified honey varied from 7.9 to 12.4%. It is more purposeful to use the tangential honey rotation method because in all cases, the loss of unrectified honey does not exceed or it slightly exceeds the 5% limit. The angle of the honeycomb position when rotating the honey tangentially influences the loss of various species of unrectified honey. It is purposeful to rotate lime-blossom, buckwheat, and mixed honey by the tangential method when zero angle of honeycomb position was fixed, and it would be expedient to fix the angle of honeycomb position to 23º for canola honey rotation.

Keyword(s): medsukis, medus, korių padėtis (honey, honey extraction, honeycomb angle)

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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

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