Agricultural Engineering, Volume 53 (2021)

UŽPILDŲ ĮTAKOS BIOPOLIMERŲ MECHANINĖMS SAVYBĖMS TYRIMAS (Investigation of the Influence of Fillers on the Mechanical Properties oOf Biopolymers)

Rimvydas Mieldažys*, Vytenis Jankauskas*, Dovilė Liudvinavičiūtė**
*Vytauto Didžiojo univewrsitetas; *Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas; **Kauno technologijos universitetas


Šiame straipsnyje buvo atliktas biopolimerų užpildo įtakos, mechaninėms savybėms, tyrimas. Tyrime buvo naudotas termoplastinis krakmolas su grikių lukštų užpildu, trijomis skirtingomis koncentracijomis 15, 20 ir 25 %. Gauti mišiniai buvo sugranuliuoti dviejų sraigtų ekstrūderiu ir injekciniu būdu, išlieti tempimo bandiniai. Su pagamintais bandiniais buvo atlikti tempimo bandymai, nustatyti mechaninėms savybėms. Atlikus mechaninius bandymus, tiriamiems biopolimerams, buvo išsiaiškinta, kad didžiausią takumo ir stiprumo ribą turėjo biopolimeras su 20 % užpildo koncentracija. Pagal gautus duomenis nustatyta, kad didinant koncentraciją iki 20 % bandinių stiprumas didėjo, o nuo 20 % silpnėjo.

This paper addresses the topic of ecological fillers for the mechanical properties of biopolymers. In today’s world, most disposable plastic products are made from petroleum-based polymers. Used disposable products often end up in the oceans and forests. This waste contaminates water, soil and decomposes for a long time. The basis of biopolymer filler research is to create the most friendly biopolymer that would decompose rapidly in nature, while having the right mechanical properties to ensure the stability of the manufacturing process and product quality. This paper tests Thermoplastic starch with buckwheat husk fillers. These fillers are non-toxic to nature and are renewable. It is one of the materials whose use is extremely rational, because otherwise it remains unused and returns to the soil.

According to the relevance of this problem, the influence of biopolymer filler on mechanical properties was investigated. Thermoplastic starch with buckwheat husk filler was used in the study at three different concentrations of 15, 20 and 25%. The resulting blends were granulated with a twin screw extruder and injected, and the casting tensile specimens were cast. The manufactured specimens were subjected to tensile tests to determine their mechanical properties. Mechanical tests of the tested biopolymers showed that the maximum yield and strength limits were for a biopolymer with a filler concentration of 20%. The data showed that increasing the concentration to 20% increased the strength of the samples and decreased from 20%.

Based on the results obtained, it can be stated that a biopolymer with 20% buckwheat husk filler can be used in the production of plastic components that want to break down quickly, such as disposable containers or other disposable packaging. Comparing the mechanical properties with the material properties of existing products, they are not close, but the production of thicker products can reduce the environmental damage of existing products and achieve the required durability. The price of this filler, unlike other petroleum-based polymers, has little to do with oil production volumes and oil prices, as oil is only used to harvest the product, and therefore in the future.

All agricultural fillers that cannot be used for food or animal feed or that are in excess are suitable for the development of biopolymer fillers. There are more such fillers: wheat straw, sugar cane stalks, hemp stalks, unsorted wood waste. These fillers are important in preventing the multiplication of microorganisms used in food

Keyword(s): biopolimerai, užpildas, mechaninės savybės (biopolymers, filler, mechanical properties)


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Agricultural Engineering ISSN 1392-1134 / eISSN 2345-0371

This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. Responsible editor: Dr A. Žunda.